Saturday, October 5, 2013

Chapter 1.2: Jail Bait?

So we've arrived back in Sunset Valley with young Bebe with one semester of college completed!

So Bebe, I take it you had a great trip back home eh? You look so happy to be back in Sunset Valley!

Bebe: "Ugh great trip? Puh-lease! You try travelling five hours in a cramp U-Haul truck! Next time I'll fly that way I'll save more money!"

Yeah yeah yeah, you're frugal I get it.. anywho, I wonder what you're parents are up to?

Are you okay Dorie?

Dorie: I've been standing here since Bebe left, I forgot how to walk..

No worries, one sim reset coming up!

Seems like that did the trick, may I ask what are you doing?

Dorie: "I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if Sims could talk to jellyfish? That way we'd never run out of jelly for PB&J sandwiches!"

Oh wait!  Did you hear that? I think I hear Gus calling my name, gotta go!

Oh no! Are you stuck too Gus?

Gus: "No. I just looked out this window and realized how pretty it is outside today, I think I'll go for a swim."

But you don't have a pool..

Gus: "Oh yeah, that's right.."

Oh! Well would you look it at that cute little baby over there!

Surprise! Dorie and Gus had another baby! 

Meet Benji Hart!

-Loves the Outdoors 
Favs: Songwriter, Lobster, Blue

Don't let that cute face fool you, he is a handful.

That cutie patootie behind him is Luna, Dorie saw her at the park one day and had an instant connection. She basically stole her because she's not a stray and belongs to the Goth family, but whatever she's ours now. 
*evil laugh*

...And one last surprise, the newest member of the family is little Beatrix Hart!

-Easily Impressed
Favs: Roots, Mac & Cheese, Turquoise 

You're taking this 'big sister' thing pretty seriously eh?

Bebe: "If I don't, who will? You saw what my parents were up to right? And beside Trixi's just so cute and cuddly!"

Bebe seriously loves her little brother and sister, she's always autonomously looking after and playing with them.

Benji: "FEEDDDD MEEEEE!!!!!!"

Bebe: "Ughh!! Send help!!!!"

See, I told you he was a pill..

Something wrong with your dinner Benji?

Benji: "Did she really expect me to eat this so called food? Please remove it from my sight immediately."

Curse Gus for teaching you how to talk..

Later that night, Dorie and Gus, like the horn dogs they are, both had wishes to woohoo with each other so I obliged to there wishes while hoping not to scar poor Trixi and Benji in the process.

Dorie: "You fancy some midnight woohoo?"

Gus: "But the kids are still awake.."

Dorie: "Pretend they're not here!"

...and the Mother of the Year Award goes tooooo....Dorie Hart!

A few hours later...


I think Dorie has a love/hate relationship with Beatrix, one minute she's rolling wishes to snuggle her and then she's screaming at the poor child and pointing and laughing at her. -_-

Bebe got up at the crack of dawn, woke up Benji and autonomously started teaching him how to walk! And no she's doesn't currently have the family oriented trait either..I thought this was terribly cute. :)

Bebe: "Come on Benji, no one will take you seriously in this world if you can't walk."

Bebe, he's just a toddler you know..

Bebe: "Your point?"

Cake...for breakfast?

Bebe: It's the breakfast of champions you know.

Well couldn't you at least eaten it inside where it isn't storming and lightning?

Bebe: "It's just a little drizzle of rain, calm down."

You're lucky this isn't Sims 2, you'd be dead by now from electrocution.

Bebe: "...."

What is this? Dorie actually interacting with her children??

Dorie: "Shut up! I loveee my babies. Hmm, Gus and I should have another.."

Uhhh, you're not the founder of this wishacy so I'm not fulfilling that wish.

I check on Gus and see this..

A little late are we Gus? Bebe's not even in high school anymore..

Gus: "I know, but if she had any homework, I definitely help her with it."

Luna spam!!!

Ummm, Bebe are you feeling okay?

Bebe: "Yeah I feel wonderful! Why do you ask?"


Bebe: "Well I've been wanting to improve my science skill for a while but we don't have a Science Research Station here."

Oh no worries, just purchase a Science skill book from the MultiTab 6000.

Bebe: "Arrghhh! Why did you have me use that thing when you know my fear of technology?!"

Because you didn't roll a wish to go to the bookstore? You're really gonna have to get over your technophobia if you want to be a scientist, just saying..

So this is what Dorie does pretty much all day when she's not eating, sleeping or choking herself. 
I think she might love Luna more than her babies..

How to potty train?

I pan over to check on Gus and this is what I find.

Hey there hot stuff, how come you're always in your swimwear?

Gus: "I just miss summer so much and I'd really like to go swimming."

No. Go inside before you die of hypothermia.

Oh wow look at this cute and cuddly baby..

Welp, looks like it's time for Luna to leave.

Hmm another potential love interest? Yes please.

Bebe: "So why did you want to meet up at the fire department?"

Ethan: "Oh you know, so we could have some privacy. Say, you don't think your dad will kill me for asking you out right?"

Bebe: "Ethan, we're both young adu- hey wait a minute! You're still a teenager! Are you trying to get me arrested?! I'm outta here!"

Ethan: "Bebe! Wait! My birthday's in week!!!"

I totally didn't realize Ethan was still a teen until he came over and started chatting with Bebe. 
(ignore her ugly outerwear, I didn't change it.)

I really love the Pets EP...

Gus and Bebe were both at work so little Trixi had to celebrate just with Dorie. 
Let's hope she survives being suffocated by her mother's boob.

Aww she's a cutie even before her makeover.

Much better. :) She inherited Dorie's black hair and Gus' green eyes. Cutie!

Last term at Uni! Here we come!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Chapter 1.1: Me? A Failure?

So as some of you may already know, this is my try at a 2nd wishacy challenge. I've decided to continue my wishacy with a family that I'd already been playing for a little while, a family that I'm sure most you are already familiar with.

Who is the family you ask?

Well it's no other than the Hart family from Sunset Valley! Yup the good ole Harts! Now I'm sure everyone knows the Harts well, but in case you don't here's a quick run through...

The foundress is the beautiful Bebe Hart..

Young Bebe here is a goodie two shoes who loves reading and is very careful about how she spends her money. She's also recently discovered her natural ability for gardening. Unlike her parents, Bebe's goal in life is to become a famous scientist that breeds a cross between creatures and robots, though the only thing holding her back is her fear of technology! She a determined Capricorn that loves Indie music, fresh Autumn Salad, and the color Green.

Bebe's mother, Dorie Hart is an absent minded loser who finds joy in playing with toys and making funny faces in the mirror more often than necessary. She can be a tad bit over-emotional at times which makes the fact that she's insane an even bigger task. She's a curious Sagittarius that's obsessed with Pop music, can eat PB&J all day and loves the color of spiceberry. Dorie's goal in life is to be really popular even though she's crazy!

Last but not least is Bebe's father, Gus Hart, it doesn't take a lot to impress him; he too enjoys the simple things in life like playing make believe with toy cars and teddy bears. Though he is insane as well, it never stopped him from loving children and is quite the family man. Due to his charismatic ways he is determined to be super popular in town just like his wife Dorie. Gus prides himself on being a reliable Taurus that loves jammin' out to Pop music, can't get enough of Grilled Cheese sandwiches and the color Orange.

So now that he have the introductions out of the way, let's just to Bebe's who recently aged up into a YA and is now is college pursuing her Science & Medicine Degree.

How on Earth can you stand eating in this filth Bebe?

Bebe: "Eh, it's really not that bad after while."

Oh come on, you're not even a slob. Can you please clean up eating you finish eating that deep fried turkey leg?

Bebe: "No. I gotta head out, my finals start in 30 sim minutes."


I took the liberty of giving Bebe a makeover cause she was in desperate need of one. Her parents got makeovers too, but you'll see them once we return to Sunset Valley as well as some other surprises.
*cue evil laughter*

So? How you'd do on your Methods & Practice of Music 202 final Bebe?

Bebe: "Ugh! I totally bombed it! Can you believe it? Me? A failure?!"

I told you that bonfire party wasn't a good idea last night.

Bebe: "Not helping."

Cheer up. You'll do better next time. You got a break before you next final, wanna head home and study?

Bebe: "Eh, can't hurt I suppose."

Good girl!

Why'd you sit in there? It down right disgusting and now you have bad moodlets.

Bebe: "Fine, I'll go study from my Anatomy Skeleton so you'll shut up."

You know for you to have the Good trait, you pretty mean sometimes.

Bebe: "I'm not as good as you think."

Bebe: "Ugh! I still can't believe he failed me! Can you help me drug up my professor and dump his body in the ocean?"

Are you sure you didn't inherit the insane trait like your parents?! Just go to class!

While Bebe's taking her final, this is what I find outside the building.

You gotta be kidding me with that outfit Sarah Parker...

Sarah Parker: "I march to the beat of my own drum thank you very much."

Whatever... So? Better luck this time Bebe?

Bebe: "Woohoo! I nailed that Basics of Mathematics 202 final!"

Yay! You go Glen Coco Bebe Hart!

What do you wanna do now that you're done with finals?

Bebe: "Well, I'm really hungry so eating would be nice."

Ok, so after you eat do you wanna throw a party to celebrate the end of the semester or maybe clean up?

Bebe: "Ha! I'm not throwing another party after that disaster of a bonfire party and I still have the 'threw lame party' moodlet anyways, besides I pretty tired so I think I'll just go to bed. Oh and I'll think about cleaning up."


OMG! You're cleaning the dishes! Thank you!

Bebe: "Yeah, I'm only doing it so you'll leave me alone."

Well hurry up before you pass out..

Five sim hours later.

Dang Bebe! You're still cleaning?!

Bebe: "Hey! Nobody's done the dishes since I arrived here plus the dishwasher is broken, what did you expect?"

Instead of going to sleep like a normal sim, Bebe decided to take a nap so when she woke up I let her tend to the garden out back.

Your gardening skill is improving really fast Bebe, you'll master it in no time.

Bebe: "Well you did give me the green thumb trait when I became a Young Adult."

You wanna be a famous Creature-Robot Breeder one day right?

Bebe: Absolutely.

Then be thankful because I could have given you the insane trait..

8 o'clock rolled around and that means report card time.

Come Bebe the suspense is killing me!

Bebe: "Dang it! I gotta darn B!"

B! That's great news!

Bebe: "Should have been an A!"

You always have next semester to do better girl!

Since Bebe only took a nap, she was kinda tired so I had her eat a Kona bean and this happened..

Bebe: "Oh no! What's happening to me? You made me eat that stupid Kona bean and now I'm gonna die!!!"

Uh.. I don't know what that is! It's probably just a glitch though and you're not gonna die. I won't let you die, you're my foundress after all.

Bebe still has a wish locked in to improve her science skill so I sent her to the Student Union.

Any breakthroughs yet?

Bebe: "You know I hate working on this machine but yeah I think I'm on to something..."

Bebe: "Grr! Thanks for distracting me, now I've made this invisible Midnight Bean seed go from outstanding to excellent!"

My bad.. at least you've reached level 4 in your science skill..where are you going now? 

Bebe: "Upstairs to analyze this Peppermint plant I harvested."

Bebe: "Yes!! Success!"


Bebe: *Yawns* Boy, I'm pretty tired, that Kona bean is wearing off so I think I'll go back to the dorm and take another nap.

Suite yourself.

After her nap, a few hours remained before leaving and Bebe still had some science related skills so she headed to the School of Science Proving Ground.

That looks pretty exciting Bebe, whatcha doing up there?

Bebe: Interfacing with the Green Mind Melder Module.

Eh, come again?

Bebe: Improving my science skill.

Awesome, well I just got the notice that you have to leave in a hour so you might wanna head back to the dorm and pack.

Bebe: "Ughh do I really have to go back to home, my parents are soooo looney."

'Fraid so kid.

Oh look Bebe, your roommates are waving goodbye to you, how nice.

Bebe: "Hmm, I think I wanna go to community college because I just realized how much money this is costing me."

No such thing as community college in the Sims 3 Bebe. Besides you're getting a partial scholarship so you're not paying for the whole thing anyways.

Bebe: "But I-"

You're gonna miss your flight home, bye.